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"I have improved with the treatments I have received from the doctors. I enjoy the convenience of the building. The staff is wonderful. I was very skeptical when I first came, and that is improved."


"I had left facial pain since I was nine years old. I had left sided headaches and migraines that were terrible. I couldn't hold down a job. I ended up having to go on social security disability because of the pain. My doctor sent me to IPPMC to help with my pain. I had seen over fifteen doctors for my pain, including being seen at the Mayo Clinic for my symptoms and no one could help me. After being evaluated I was treated on my first visit with Dr. K. The day after my treatment I have not had a headache since. I can't believe it, it's a miracle! I am so thankful. I have never had such a wonderful experience in my whole life."


"I came into IPPMC for chronic shoulder pain, back pain and lower extremity pain. On my first evaluation, Dr. Kowalkowski performed a comprehensive physical examination and requested I undergo further workup for my lower extremity symptoms. I discovered I had 100% occlusion of my bilateral femoral arteries and needed surgery. I did receive treatment for my bilateral shoulder pain that day. I returned almost one year later to have my shoulders retreated since the previous treatment had provided significant relief. I wanted to say thank you for your thoroughness in finding the occlusions in my lower extremities. I came for pain management and received much more."


"I had left facial pain since I was nine years old. I had left sided headaches and migraines that were terrible. I couldn't hold down a job. I ended up having to go on social security disability because of the pain. My doctor sent me to IPPMC to help with my pain. I had seen over fifteen doctors for my pain, including being seen at the Mayo Clinic for my symptoms and no one could help me. After being evaluated I was treated on my first visit with Dr. K. The day after my treatment I have not had a headache since. I can't believe it, it's a miracle! I am so thankful. I have never had such a wonderful experience in my whole life."


"No matter what I did for my pain, it did not do any good. Since I came to IPPMC, I have no pain. I am so happy I came here."


"I came to IPPMC because of chronic pain in my left leg. I was scheduled for knee surgery with an orthopedic surgeon, and a friend introduced me to IPPMC's services. I received treatment at my first visit along with physical therapy. I was able to cancel my surgery. I am pain free currently. I am glad I was introduced to IPPMC. Everyone on staff there was very helpful to me. The Physical Therapy Team was great. I am glad that I came."


"I was taking up to over 300 mg of Morphine a day and I became addicted to pain killers. This started with a car accident in 1995. I got fed up with living a life of just survival. You have to want to get help. It may feel good a first, but it's a trap. I tried so many times on my own to quit but the pain kept me taking these medications. When I came to IPPMC it offered the solution to both. The way I was treated was refreshing."


"I had left facial pain since I was nine years old. I had left sided headaches and migraines that were terrible. I couldn't hold down a job. I ended up having to go on social security disability because of the pain. My doctor sent me to IPPMC to help with my pain. I had seen over fifteen doctors for my pain, including being seen at the Mayo Clinic for my symptoms and no one could help me. After being evaluated I was treated on my first visit with Dr. K. The day after my treatment I have not had a headache since. I can't believe it, it's a miracle! I am so thankful. I have never had such a wonderful experience in my whole life."


"I have had massive migraines for over 30 years. I wasn't doing anything. I did not go to my kid's concerts, plays, because of my headaches. After coming to IPPMC after two treatments my headaches are almost gone. I can do stuff again instead of waiting for my head to hurt. My family is noticing that I am walking again. I love to walk and I could not walk because of the noises outside with my previous headaches."


"I came to IPPMC with limited function in my right shoulder and arm due to pain. It was a burning pain and I was unable to move through my range of motion. After an MRI at IPPMC we discovered a rotator and labral tear. I hit a plateau after my orthopedic care and I was reacquainted with Marybeth Larcom, IPPMC upper extremity specialist. She was able to significant improve my shoulder function and pain after I had hit a plateau. I cannot believe how well I am feeling and how well I am healing. "

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