Osteopathic Manual Medicine
What is Osteopathic manual medicine?
Osteopathic manual medicine (manipulation) is a treatment used most commonly for neck and back pain. It is comprised of a number of techniques including massage, mobilization movements, and high velocity low amplitude thrusts. The purpose of these techniques is to reduce pain and increase mobility by releasing the affected areas from their restricted states so that they return to proper alignment. In trained hands it is a safe, effective and comfortable treatment.
How is manipulation done?
What does osteopathic manual medicine treat?
For decades, osteopaths have helped patients avoid back and knee surgery as well as relieve a whole host of common medical problems that appeared resistant to medication.
Who is a candidate for osteopathic manual medicine?
Anyone can receive OMM treatment. Pregnant women, children, adults, and senior citizens can all experience the benefits of OMM.
Some patients may be eligible for insurance coverage, depending on plan specifics.
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