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Health/Nutritional News

4 Food that Fight Pain


Food: Ginger
Good for: Sore muscles and aching joints

Ginger isn't just for relieving unsettled stomachs and the common cold. In fact, ginger is rich in inflammation-fighting compounds, such as gingerols, which may reduce the aches of osteoarthritis and soothe sore muscles. In a recent study, people who took ginger capsules daily for 11 days reported 25% less muscle pain when they performed exercises designed to strain their muscles. Another study found that giner-extract injections helped relieve osteoarthritis pain of the knee.

Food: Salmon
Good For: Inflamed Joints and troubled tummies

Preliminary studies suggest that omega-3s may help quell the aches and pains of rheumatoid arthritis. And that's no surprise, since omega- 3s are touted for their ability to reduce inflammation. In addition to soothing aching joints, omega-3s can also tame your troubled tummy (especially when caused by stress) according to a 2005 Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition Study.


Food: Coffee
Good for: Headache

Studies show that 200 milligrams of caffiene- about the amount of 16 ounces of brewed coffee-provides relief from headaches, including migranes. But keep in mind that relying on caffeine long-term can backfire, since habitual coffee drinkers usually suffer withdrawal headaches when they cut back on the caffiene.

Food: Sage
Good for: Sore Throat

When your throat is scratchy and irritated, try sipping on a tea made from brewed sage leaves. It's a remedy recommended by herbalists that has some support from clinical trails. A 2006 study found that spraying sore throats with a sage solution gave effective pain relief compared to a placebo.


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